
  • Description: An MP3 player shield for Arduino Uno.
  • Status:
  • Last update: Mar 14, 2023
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Quilter is home to a number musicians and audio engineers. It was only a matter of time before we decided to start building audio boards.

Our first venture into audio boards is an MP3 player shield. This board loads an MP3 file stored on an SD card, generates stereo audio and amplifies it to drive speakers (or a line-out).

Our first venture into audio boards is an MP3 player shield. This board loads an MP3 file stored on an SD card, generates stereo audio and amplifies it to drive speakers (or a line-out).


This board is based on the Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Shield With Stereo Amp.

Our input files for Quilter are here.

The Quilter generated output is here.

We coupled this board with our Quilter designed Arduino Uno. The script to drive this board is here.