Summer newsletter
A roundup of changes and improvements to Quilter throughout the summer.

Thanks to everyone participating in Quilter's early access program! We're excited to share a brief roundup of the changes and improvements we've made to Quilter throughout the last couple of months.

1/ Constraints manager
Constraints Manager provides a brand new way to define and manage trace width or amperage constraints for individual net classes, nets, or pins in their design. Defining constraints ensures Quilter’s AI router will use trace widths that are appropriate for the physical and electrical constraints of the design.

2/ Schematic-informed layout
Quilter users can now upload their schematic along with their board file to Quilter for compilation, enabling components that are directly and implicitly connected in the schematic to be placed together in layout. This feature is available today for KiCAD designs, with support for Altium coming soon.
Vote on features
We’ve got more improvements coming to Quilter including:
- Support for more complicated designs
- Better silkscreen placement for component designators
- Schematic-informed placement for Altium
Want to see something else? Submit feature requests and view our roadmap by visiting our public feedback portal.